Privacy Policy

LazyYoga respects the personal information data entrusted to us and is fully committed to protecting and respecting your privacy and confidentiality through lawful, fair and transparent practices, complying with the requirements of data privacy and the General Data Protection Regulation and applicable data protection laws.

What personal information or data is collected from you and how do we use it?

In order to keep our website relevant, easy to use, up-to-date and to develop a better user experience we use google forms to help us understand how people should connect with us through the website. The information, we collect through google form based on the questionnaire is for intended purpose for which submission is being made by you and we use for the same or in connection with the intended purpose of your application.

Since we also use google forms to collect information, google analytics may be collecting cookies from our website or information which we are not sure about. We suggest you visit Google Analytics privacy policy to find out more information about their data use.

When you visit our website You may give us information about you by filling in various forms. The information you give us may include your name, address, email address and phone number. We will use this information for the intended purposes and ensure your privacy is maintained as per our strong ethical compass and values.

Our website may contain links to external social websites. If you follow a link to any external websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy or cookie policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies. Please check these policies before you submit any personal data to these websites.

We may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time, in our sole discretion, and the most current version will always be available on our website. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy regularly for any changes.

The information on this website is solely for general informational purposes and no representation and/or warranty is made in express or implied terms over the accuracy, adequacy, availability, validity or completeness of any information available on this website. You agree not to use, modify, distribute, reproduce or use the information contained on this website in any other manner except as provided under these terms without express consent from us. You understand and acknowledge that as a part of any Program mentioned on the website, the details provided by you shall be evaluated and the decision taken by LazyYoga at its sole discretion shall be binding on you. You agree that you shall rely on any information provided on this site solely and exclusively at your own volition and any reliance placed by you on any such information shall not entail any liability for us or any of our affiliates, whatsoever, and from which we shall be completely absolved.

You further understand that LazyYoga owes you no duty of confidentiality. You confirm that your submission, and any information you share in subsequent vetting discussions, does not and will not contain confidential information. You understand that LazyYoga is free to acquire, develop and sell services and products that may be competitive to you and LazyYoga is owed no compensation for your submission.

You understand and acknowledge that the terms of this Disclaimer Notice may be changed by LazyYoga, with or without any reasons and/or with or without any prior intimation to you, which you agree to be bound. You are aware that in case of any concerns or queries, you can reach out to LazyYoga by sending an email to

Privacy: You agree and acknowledge that as part of the application process for any Program, you shall be required to share your personal and sensitive information with LazyYoga. By continuing with your application through this website, you agree that you have read and understood LazyYoga’s Privacy Policy on the website and provide your express consent for collection, storage, processing and/or transferring of your personal and sensitive information, including outside of the territory of India, for the purposes any of the Program.