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Yoga is an ancient Indian practice which encompasses physical, mental, and spiritual wellness. It has gained traction recently due to increase in stress and an unhealthy lifestyle which continue to create diseases and ailments amongst a majority of the population

The Indian wellness market is over INR 49,000 Crores of which 40 per cent is attributed to wellness services amounting to INR 19,600 Crores as per recent reports from FICCI

The global yoga industry is worth over $88bn and expected to reach $215bn by 2025, thus growing at a CAGR of 11.7%. This growth is mainly driven by the healthcare industry as yoga today is being used as a therapy to cure multiple ailments

Over the last two decades Indian Yoga Industry witnessed multifold growth led by Swami Ramdev, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and Sadhguru.

An innovative concept “LazyYoga" for busy people by Agri Vaidic Integration which aims to make everyone move their muscles in just 11 minutes!

Many people have taken Yoga as a profession as it is in demand in today's world and even students are pursuing Yoga as a career option and if it is about healing and treating the patient would it get same recognition as qualifications like MBBS? Considering the current scarce medical institutions in India which has taken serious attention of top industrialists during ongoing Ukraine crisis

TOP countries/regions in Yoga industry:

is again on TOP as it invented it :)

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